get started on your journey of healing

Your First Steps


Why Ketamine?

Ketamine therapy can be truly life-changing, but it is not for everyone. Explore as much information about ketamine therapy as you can, and ask yourself how you might benefit. If you are working with a therapist or psychiatrist, have an honest conversation with your provider about whether or not this could be a potential fit for you.


Schedule a consultation.

If ketamine therapy sounds like a good fit for you, reach out and schedule a consultation. You will meet with Dr. Gallegos, who will review your history, medications you’re currently taking, and your goals for your treatment. She will help you to understand what you can expect during your infusion and how you can expect to feel. She will answer questions and will determine if you’re a candidate for the therapy.


Prepare for your first infusion.

You will get much, much more out of your treatment if you prepare well before your infusion and work to integrate your experience afterward. Fill out all assessments we send you, and carefully follow any advice Dr. Gallegos provides, including discontinuing any medications that may interfere in advance. If you’re working with a therapist, schedule an appointment for as soon as possible after your infusion, even later the same day.

"I spent 35 years trying different medications, therapists, types of therapy and even hospitalization to address my severe depression, generalized anxiety, and PTSD. Nothing worked, and I had given up. Dr. Gallegos and ketamine treatment have literally changed my life and for the first time I can imagine a different future and feel full of hope."


Let’s start working on your new future.